Marshall Miller

 3025 JFK Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 19104 | 267-421-3304 | |
“Always have a plan. Be ready to change it.”

Delve, Philadelphia, PA
Mechanical Engineer, Apr. 2024 to Sep. 2024

  • Collaborated with diverse teams for multiple clients to design, brainstorm, manufacture and test prototype products

  • Implemented force sensing on a 6DOF robot arm for cost-saving on client testing, presented live demo to 4 offices

  • Designed and manufactured production parts and a life-cycle fixture for a surgical joystick with parametric surfacing

  • Designed, executed and analyzed experiments for SLA injection molds, adhesive bond strength tests, and conductive elastomers, and embedded electronics integration

X-Biomedical, Newtown Square, PA
Mechanical Engineer, Mar. 2022 to Sep. 2022

  • Researched and drafted grant applications with the CTO for SBIR; authored manufacturing procedures

  • Developed provisional patents for SPIMAP – a microsurgery camera tracking platform – and ErgoAsisst: a posture sensing system for surgeons using augmented reality

Set Now Solutions, Doylestown, PA
Software Engineer, June 2016 to Sep. 2019

  • Conducted full stack website development of UI and secure data entry with Dreamweaver, JavaScript and Visual Basic

  • Automated search engine optimization with Google Analytics and Node; mastered Adobe Suite for promotional graphics

Pennsylvania Biotechnology Center, Doylestown, PA
Student Researcher, Sep. 2019 to June 2020

  • Developed ML filters w OpenCV and a neural network w TensorFlow to recognize invisible mycoplasma contaminations

  • Authored a research paper documenting novel procedure and results, 2x 1st place @ PJAS & 2nd place @ DVSF

  • Learned cell culture with BSL-2 lab equipment and collected 50,000 training images with DNA staining and high content fluorescent microscopy; performed PCR + gel electrophoresis to distinguish control from contaminated samples

FORT Robotics, Philadelphia, PA
Mechanical Engineer, Mar. 2023 to Sep. 2023

  • Designed, documented, and manufactured a SIL 3 robot to demonstrate ISM & BLE communications to customers

  • Coordinated an interdepartmental packaging project for new products, authored SOPs & automated serial labelling

  • Draft and reviewed drawings for contract manufacturers; composed FAI for plastic and aluminum injection molds

Formula SAE, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
Powertrain Engineer, Sep. 2020 to Nov. 2022

  • Designed and manufactured Formula SAE wiring harness for single-cylinder YFZ450R engine, tuned with MoTeC ECU

  • Educated members on PCB/wiring assembly, SOLIDWORKS, and ensured electrical requirements with FSAE leadership

  • Michigan 2022 comp. placed #15/49: led electrical presentation, coordinated with drivers, performed in-field maintenance

SOLIDWORKS 〰️ Autodesk Fusion360 〰️ EAGLE PCB 〰️ Altium


Prusa 〰️ Formlabs 〰️ Cura




Git 〰️ Node 〰️ C++ 〰️ Kotlin 〰️ Python 〰️ MATLAB 〰️TensorFlow 〰️

Injection & Transfer Molding 〰️ CO2 & Fiber Lasers 〰️

CNC Mill/Lathe 〰️ Soldering 〰️

SOLIDWORKS 〰️ Autodesk Fusion360 〰️ EAGLE PCB 〰️ Altium 〰️ Prusa 〰️ Formlabs 〰️ Cura 〰️ FDM 〰️ SLA 〰️ SLS 〰️ DMLS 〰️ Git 〰️ Node 〰️ C++ 〰️ Kotlin 〰️ Python 〰️ MATLAB 〰️TensorFlow 〰️ Injection & Transfer Molding 〰️ CO2 & Fiber Lasers 〰️ CNC Mill/Lathe 〰️ Soldering 〰️